Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You drive around town for any reason, and every back yard you pass you look for a coop, chickens, or every building you see or come in contact with you think ...Wow this would make a great coop. And you begin to plan for it as if it were actually going to happen. Where all the roosts would be, the nest boxes and so on. Yes, my DH officaly thinks I have lost my mind!
I do this too.....or actually hubs and I both do. Me for more chicken space, and him for quail and guineas. And I've actually gotten him to agree to letting me brood chicks in the basement instead of exclusively in a brooder coop/pen; I just love to hear the peeping.
youre day begins with messing with chickens when they become a family member inside youre home and you buy pretty lil chicken diapers andyoure day ends with messing with chickens.
When you deactivate you Facebook account because you spend more time on BYC

When you pass other peoples land/ yards and think 'They definitely have enough space for a chicken coop and actually start cornering areas off in your mind.....or is that just me'
When you're talking about pets at school, your teacher says cats and dogs, you stand up and yell "CHICKENS!"

(story of my life)
...shavings become what they say about sand, little bits seem to turn up everywhere and you can't seem to get rid of it. ask people for their leftovers you know they are going to just throw away so you can feed them to your chickens. look forward to when you can spend time just sitting in their coop or chicken yard. spend hours researching chicken stuff related to their nutrition, health, housing etc.

...your cat or dog seems boring or useless in comparison to your chickens, unless of course they are good protectors of your flock. love examining the colors, patterns and textures of the eggs your hens lay.

...people ask how your chickens are doing as if that was a normal question. go shopping for flowers but spend the entire time looking at flower pots and trying to figure out how to convert them into chicken feeders. drive by a stack of scrap wood and dream about how you could build a brooder out of them. actually stop to ask if you can have the scrap wood to build a brooder.

...break your hoe in the garden and are actually thankful because you needed that handle for a roost in one of the pens, anyway. have more pictures of chickens than your children.

...the back of your new Jeep is littered with shavings, feathers, chicken feed and a little poop.
you are looking for your new home, and you tell the realtor you MUST be permitted to bring your chickens with you.
chicken math strikes on the first day. You only wanted a couple chicks and you take home 7. Then two weeks later, you are given 2 grown chickens. Then, you end up with 3 more pullets cuz the original seven were half cockerels. Not only that, but the same day you brought home the pullets, you put 2 eggs under the broody hen. Minus 1 egg from a crushing incident. The second egg is hatching today, so that makes 13. Now, you're looking at incubators online and they're so expensive, you start looking at homemade incubators.....

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