Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

that is just too funny
this is so true, my husband just says how can you tell them apart, you can
Mine asks the same thing. My girls are all a little different shade in color except 2 but I know which are which. It seems to baffle him.

How about when your chickens know their names and come when called.

You collect egg cartons from everyone in your family

And the one my hubby calls me weird for:

My rooster is the wallpaper on my smartphone name your roosters after handsome men, because you think that will give them more chance with the "ladies".

(Mine are named after a famous Dutch soccer-player, Dirk Kuyt, a famous dutch presenter, Humberto Tan, and the legendary Humphrey Bogart. Before I had roosters, who died here, with names like George Clooney.)
You introduce your chicken to Santa when he comes on the firetruck through the neighborhood
You have a lame chicken living in your bedroom
Write a children's book for your grand daughter to read to her nursery school class about the lame chicken
As a real estate broker, I give a dozen eggs as closing gifts to clients
Hold Fancy (the lame chicken) on my lap while watching TV
when you would rather stay at home on Christmas day and not go to the family dinner???????? LOL and HO HO HO from Central Miss. sorry, I have not visited much , between working and my critters its hard to spend a lot of time in one spot. I only have three Black sex link hens, but really love them, started with five but so new at it, two died, not sure why. Just wanted to say hello from Central Miss, I'm hoping to add a couple more hens soon, at least 5 or 6 months old. Babies chicks just seem too delicate when i spend 10 hours away most days.

Blessings and MErry Christmas,
when you would rather stay at home on Christmas day and not go to the family dinner???????? LOL and HO HO HO from Central Miss. sorry, I have not visited much , between working and my critters its hard to spend a lot of time in one spot. I only have three Black sex link hens, but really love them, started with five but so new at it, two died, not sure why. Just wanted to say hello from Central Miss, I'm hoping to add a couple more hens soon, at least 5 or 6 months old. Babies chicks just seem too delicate when i spend 10 hours away most days.

Blessings and MErry Christmas,

You know you’re addicted to chickens when....

You walk around with a giant dropping on your shoulder because your favourite hen was sitting just moments before
Your place to escape or quiet place is to the chicken coop
Even though that rooster attacks you and anyone who comes with in a 5m distance from the coop you keep him because you know he would get the chop if you gave him away
You get offended if one of you hens pecks you
You have a meal with the chickens whenever you can
You breed meals worms for them
When you beg your friends at school for scraps to bring home

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