Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

Umm, you could block out the brooding part. You might lose a day of eggs cause the other chickens will have to lay somewhere else, but it worked for my hen. :p Dunno if it will for your's. But sometimes it's not even worth losing the eggs.
You know you're addicted to chickens when...
You weren't feeling the festive spirit of the holiday due to loved one in hospital
but... seeing someone's post on BYC made you want to dig through old material
and make your chickens SANTA HATS. Now I can't wait to decorate the house
tomorrow. Thank you to all Santa's Helpers on BYC! Happy Holidays and Well
This is not the right thread to discuss brooding problems, but what I usually do is make some sort of separate space in the coop around the nest the stubborn lady is sitting on. I make sure no other chickens can get to her, but one. I place an older chicken that isn't interesting in sitting on eggs with her in the small space. Usually the older hen will make sure the brooding hen wil get off the eggs and keep her moving. I will keep them in this small space for like a day. It always works for me.
This is not the right thread to discuss brooding problems, but what I usually do is make some sort of separate space in the coop around the nest the stubborn lady is sitting on. I make sure no other chickens can get to her, but one. I place an older chicken that isn't interesting in sitting on eggs with her in the small space. Usually the older hen will make sure the brooding hen wil get off the eggs and keep her moving. I will keep them in this small space for like a day. It always works for me.

Thanks for the great tip! This is a post worthy of an article! hint hint

Did I already write: You know *boyfriend* is addicted to chickens when ...

... he stuffs mountains of eggs under every broody hen, even duck eggs.

(I'm thinking we've got a great Chicken Lovers' calendar in all these posts.)

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