Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

...When it snows and the first thing you do is grab a camera and try to get your girls to stand out in it for 5 seconds, so you can get a picture for next year's Christmas cards.

...When it snows and you promptly go build a "snow chicken." complete with chicken tail feathers.
those are good ones! my chickens are on my christmas card too, but we're holding them.
...when you steal half your brother's oatmeal during breakfast so you can make a special treat for your girls.
when you talk to your chicken
when you walk past your glass doors to the garden and they all run into the door trying to reach you

When you want to get up at 5:45am to let them out
When you share half of your food with them
When on holiday you become homesick because of your chickens
When attempt to make their lives perfect
When you put their health before yours

When you reply to a thread saying, "You know you're addicted to backyard chicens when..."

When you want to get up at 5:45am to let them out
When you share half of your food with them
When on holiday you become homesick because of your chickens
When attempt to make their lives perfect
When you put their health before yours

When you reply to a thread saying, "You know you're addicted to backyard chicens when..."

Last one all the way!!!!
ha ha!!! stupid santa, every one know's that chickens are epic!!
hmm, I have a question. I live in New england, and It's going to be like 5 degrees out tonight. Should I bring them inside or will they be ok outside in the coop.

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