Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you spend the entire afternoon locked in your room, crying because one of your hens died and you don't even know why and now you feel like a horrible chicken owner and don't know what to do to protect the other two....
this is me right now.

been there felt that... but if we did what we felt was the best for them, maybe it was just their time, i lost 2 out of 3 first my beautiful roo Cheb Coco he was perfectly well eating , singing & romancing his girls and next day was sick, died in less than 24 hours... i was devastated
thinking that i might did something wrong, then one month later my Ginger died over night (probably got egg bound)
I was considering giving up on having chickens... but my friend went to visit with a young roo as a gift and some weeks later bring me a young hen... so here we are again
Im sure you are a wonderful chicken owner! hugs & blessings
...When your counting down the days until you can order spring chicks.
...When you are gonna start drivers training in the spring, and yet you're more excited to get more chicks then you are to start driving.
...When you take a camera out with you every time you go to the coop.
...When you spend an hour trying to get a perfect picture of your rooster in hopes of a new avatar on BYC.
You have 2 cockerals in the house and they go out in the day and wait at the door to come in at night, walk in and go straight to the office and to there box ,
~when you ask your Mom: "Mom, have you ever noticed the way chickens walk? It's so cute!!'
~when you continue to teach your chickens 'Gimme five!!' Even though you have a sight peck mark.
~when you look at Tractor Supply at night when you're in middle school. XD
~when you start planning the plans for a new summer chicken coop
You know you're addicted to chickens when...

--all of your chickens have names, and you can tell each and every one apart.
--they have "family trees".
--they have an entire monarchy, plus a council, army, and ruling government.
--your chickens always come first---ALWAYS.
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