Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you are talking to some people and you refer to your flock as “everybody” or “everyone” and your close friends realize that you’re talking about your chickens pretty quickly but the others that don't know you so well don’t know what you mean
Example: “everyone was out today hunting for goodies…” or “I need to get home to look everybody over…”
My friends think its so funny how I refer to them like they are a group of people.

I mean come on how can I not refer to these guys like they are people
I so relate to that, Cat! I tend to talk like I'm one of the chickens. "Okay, we've ranged long enough, have to get back to the run." My husband knows when I say "they" I'm talking about the chickens.
when someone in your Sunday School says they had a great lockdown at school, and you say 'Lockdown? You mean when you hatch chicks?" and when really they were meaning when a gunman comes and they lockdown. XD (Don't worry, no one got hurt)
...when your favorite part of the day is "egg hunting".
...when the chicken s know their names and come running when you call them.
...when the first item on your shopping list is chicken scratch.
...when your chickens jump in your lap to be petted.

When the only math that you can possibly wrap your poor learning disability stricken brain around is… chicken math…

Seriously I wish college would just give up on trying to get me to understand this stuff!!! All I can think about right now are the dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks
I'm getting late this week NOTHING ELSE!!!

(I should be doing my math homework right now... but don't you know... I'm addicted to chickens!!!)

this is my life in a nutshell

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