Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

when u announce to everyone at work that u fianally weaned the chicks from heating and have moved them down stairs outside to a greenhouse, and now husband comes home from night shift and goes to talk with his chicks first..
when all you do on the internet is look for chicken websites.

take more pictures of your chickens than your kids.

the chicken coop is cleaner then you own house.

half of your groceries include food for the chickens
When you have conversations with your chickens as if they were people.
When you have spoiled your chicken so much that she'll stare at you until you hand feed her!
You know you are addicted to chickens when...

You know every single breed of chick by heart so that when you go to pick them out, you know what you're getting.

You have at least four or five coops planned, for the day when you will get more chickens, even though you have no idea when that day will be, if it ever comes.

You only have to type "b" into the new tab and it will pull up

Your friends call you "The chicken poo girl" because you're favorite perfume is chicken poop. :p

You wear feathers in your hair and straw on your shoestrings because that's fashion to you.

Every little chick you see tugs at your heart's shoestrings.

You sit and anxiously watch all 20 of your girls lay their egg to make sure that nothing goes wrong.

You constantly have chickens in the house, resulting in their poop in the house as well.

You have plans to breed them and buy them.

You think you have all the breeds you want picked out, but once it's time to get them, you don't get a single breed that was on the list.

I wonder if that's you, because I know that it definitely is me!

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