Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

.......when you don't know how may chickens the neighborhood laws say you can have, and you honestly don't care.
.......You buy chickens off ebay.
........Everything you own is chickened themed are an encyclopidia when it comes to chickens.
............EVERY year you get more chicks.
.............The chickens live better than you do.
...............You ward off predators with a metal baseball bat.
.................You enjoy a chicken perching on your head.
.....................Even though your family won't admit it, they all dispise store bought eggs.
.......................You raise broiliers and can't kill them.
.........................You can tell every single chicken apart when one of your best friends can.
.............................You are planning to take over the world, one chicken coop at a time.
..................................You arrive at school with chick bedding in your hair.
.......................................Your Family secretly wants a rooster, and every year they pick out a roo from the hens until it lays an egg.
Silvermychick!!! :)

~when your profile picture on your e-mail is of you with your chick on your head
~when your whole birthday list, which consists of ten things, is all chicken stuff except for two
~when your soon-to-be chicken coop has a name. (Like if a fancy house is called the Brown House)

........When all you talk about is chickens
..........When your new neighbor gets chicks, you can identify each one just by hearing a description, and you give them a years worth of backyard poultry magazines.
When I started out, I only wanted three, then I decided, six, then I got 8 and now I have 10 (2 bantams, 8 normal size chicks). And I get up and 'check on them' during the night and then just stare at them when I should be sleeping! lol
You know you're addicted to chickens when, just about every sentence starts with, so I was out with the chickens earlier and reading on BYC... and your hubby threatens to put you in chickens anonymous!
When your husband complains about taking a back seat to MY GIRLS
No Respect

When he says he's had enough building new bird coops
and that talking to me about it,
is like talking to a brick w

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