Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

*When the chickies are tired they find you wherever you may be and jump in your lap and go to sleep until you put them in their box of hay for the night.
*When your husband leaves the TV on for the chickens when he leaves because "they were watching the race"
*When you know the chickens like classic rock cuz they come running when you turn the radio on.
*When your teenage daughter posts pictures of her and the chickens on Facebook instead of her boyfriend.
*When your daughter has a sleepover and they make an extra pancake for the chickens breakfast.
Or more often
Hahaha, its true, like every 5
....When you clean out there coop and have no problem scooping out heaps of manure bare handed!! (did that today)
when you buy a chicken game so you can have chickens when chickens are not around.
when you leave messages for friends/family to check chickens and hold them three or more times a day.
when you have a bunch of cute little fluffy chicks sleeping around your beard and you open your mouth to say something and have your tongue bit by hungry little chicks.

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