Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you tell ypur husband if hurricane season looks rough, there will be 8 cats, 3 dogs, and 41 chickens indoors during storms. Then you start budgeting for large animal carriers for the cats and chickens just in case you have to evacuate.

You pull into a driveway and beat on a strangers door to tell them their jersey giants are in the highway AGAIN and that bext time, youre just going to take them home.

You tell your dad you cant visit overnight because the chickens havent learned to go in the coop yet.
When after incubating, hatching, and rearing, you and your husband start planning how many more we could possibly do before we have to start trading....
when you feed your last two boiled eggs to your new born baby chicks so they have moisture in their bodies just in case they are to weak to make it to the waterer. now, thats caring for the babies
when you are putting your plate on the conveyor belt at school, and think, darn, i wish those rinds would keep for a few weeks (College you know), the chickens would LOVE THEM! :)
When people walk their dogs, I walk my old English BB red rooster. He either just follow me or sit/stand on my hands/shoulder.

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