Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you leave a daily bin at the local fruit store and go there every day, rain hail or shine just to pick it up for them. When you open the lid and are so excited at the contents - just like opening Christmas presents.
"You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when... chickens occupy every available space in your backyard"
When you really DON'T mind tracking chicken poop onto your brand-new carpet!
When your DH leaves for work while you're doing evening chores--without kissing you--and you're more upset about the chicken update that he missed than the dis.

Like...20 minutes ago...

Then BYC is where you run to to distract you!
It doesn't even occur to you that you might be breaking the law by having them. Doesn't everybody have chickens? Seems like it to me!!
When you recognize everyone's crow or cluck and can name that bird!

When you buy hen aprons for your girls, and all your friends ask, "Why are your chickens all wearing dresses??"

When all of a sudden, the idea of free range house chickens doesn't sound that nasty any more

When I spent more time this year lugging warm water out in the freezing temps, and cold water out in the scorching heat, than I worried about me freezing to death or passing out!

When you start to think about throwing a kegger to get the locals to help you build the "MEGA COOP"!

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