Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

OMG !, I thought I was the Only one who does that !

As s matter of fact, I JUST installed My " Chicken Spy Cam " 2 weeks ago !

It's also known as my " Commercial Buster ", because I switch over to it during commercials; Ya see , it's hooked into my big screen TV

leaving my laptop " free " so I can Check out the lastest additions to Hatcheries and catching up

On the " latest post " that someone JUST made on THIS thread WHILE I was checking in on " The Girls and their 2 boys "

Oh my
When watching them patrol the yard through a window, early morning, with a cup of coffee is so serene it tunes out my toddler smashing things in the room over
the chickens make you breakfast.

the chickens make thier selves breakfast.(that is what mine do. they stick thier little nut siezed heads in the chicken feed bags and have a party)

the dogs just had a feast.

you find that you sleep walk to the chicken coop every night.

you cach yourself hanging up chicken posters all over the town council.

you alresdy have 20 chickens and believe you need more.

you buy a little red hen outfit for your friend.

You cannot stop thinking of your chicken.

you cannot touch your egg because it could have been a baby chicken.

you traid your horse for a chicken.

you cry when you see a chicken leg on your plate.

you buy your chickens thier own mc-donalds chicken sandwiches with a side of chicken nuggets:he.
When you dream about your chickens...

When you get caught talking to your chickens by a neighbour who gives you the craziest of looks, and you aren't at all embarrassed.

When you spend 50% of your work day answering posts from BYC

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