Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

* When they all have their own name!

* When you keep them cool in the summer by putting a window and a fan in the coop and putting ice in their water!
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  • When everyone has their own name, first, middle, and last.
  • When you sit out there staring at them for 2 hours on a 20 degree day.
  • When you pick up 30 chicks, then head back a few weeks later for 130 more. ( not joking)
  • When you make a new coop just so that they can be more spacious ( and bc the 30 others)
  • When in the winter you put like 7 heat lamps in their coop so that they don't get cold.
  • When it snows, you get out there with your shovel, and start scooping away some snow so they can scratch.
  • When you go around for hours trying to find enough bugs for everybody to have back at the coop.
When you have no problem picking at a pasty butt with your bare hands, but have to suppress gagging when there is some piece of food floating in your dish water(it's a weird phobia of mine)

When a storm is coming and you secure all of the coops first and only after that check if the windows in your house/car are closed
ya.. she was in the barn the whole time

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