Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when...

... You spend almost three whole days mucking out coops, and you're still only halfway through.

... You take an hour to write down and draw a map of where all your chickens are and how you're going to shuffle them around to make room for them all... and you're still left with one area not enough.

... Your lounge room contains four overflowing brooders and two full, running incubators.

... The relief teacher says that you're going to introduce yourselves by saying your name, year level, day-school (this is German school), hobbies, and pets. When you get to "... and fifty-three chicks", she stops you to make sure you didn't get the number wrong by mistake (it is your second language, after all). You respond by telling her, "Oh, no, two roosters, fifty-three chicks, and I don't know how many hens."

... When the teacher is later quizzing the class about who said what when introducing themselves, she asks, "Who has lots of chickens?"
HAHA! That's great :)
When you secretly ring mum from school with your mobile to tell her to let the hens out for a play in the paddock, even though using your mobile at my school is like trying to smuggle 20kg of cocaine from Russia to Australia and the punishment is death

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