Finn's thread!! Puppy is GROWING!!!

I really think that he has a good temperament for therapy dog work, and it seems like a good way to get involved with my community. I think I'll try to use his CGC training as a lead in to therapy work, and the obedience involved with both will help with agility.
We got a bully stick chew for Tessa yesterday. She really enjoyed chewing on it for a while, and then I think the novelty wore off somewhat. She'll still chew on it when she feels like it, but not as often. I might try antler chews in the future. I have heard they are a bit hard for puppy teeth though. What do you think?
Brew loves his bully sticks LOL the novelty does sometimes wear off but he usually eventually goes back to it LOL he also really loves hooves hahah
We haven't gotten bully sticks because like half the point of something to chew on for us is so that you can take your eyes off of them for a sec, and bully sticks you need to watch them because pieces can break in their mouths.
Finn's antler is a little piece of one and it's cut in half to expose the marrow, which is softer. I don't think that any part of it is too hard for him.
I leave Brew alone with his bully sticks too :confused: if you get big enough ones they don’t break or tear chunks off fast haha and honestly they should be watched with antlers too probably. I wouldn’t get a teeny bully stick or super think one but they make pretty big ones that a puppy would not be able to get through.

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