Fire Hazard with energizers for netting


9 Years
Nov 23, 2013
Freeville NY (near Ithaca)
I just got this from Premier 1 -I do not know anything more about it but since it could affect us I'm posting. Feel free to re-post if it will help. I'm sure there's more info on their website.

Fire! Be Careful Where You Buy Fence Energizers

A 6 wheel UTV that was destroyed by the fire.
A fire burned grass, trees, and a UTV and was only 30 ft from a barn when the fire department arrived.

It occurred because the property owner purchased both our netting and another firm’s “continuous current” energizer via Amazon’s website. In making the energizer purchase he relied upon Amazon’s “Frequently Bought Together” section and the energizer’s reviews.

No mention on the Amazon website was provided about a risk of fire or of damage to electrified netting when used with this energizer.

Was Premier’s netting the cause of the fire?
Absolutely not. This fire would never have occurred if a pulse-type energizer of the right size from Premier, Speedrite, Stafix or Gallagher been used.

Would it have mattered if the fence wasn’t netting?
A fire can (but does not always) occur if and when a “continuous current” energizer like this one (shown in photo) is connected to any conductor (netting, tape, rope, twine, wire) that is in contact with combustible material (brown grass, leaves, straw). It’s a factor, of course, that netting for chickens has conductors close to the soil and, at times, close to combustible dried grass or leaves.

So it was the type of energizer (not the brand) that caused this fire?
Yes. What enabled this unit to cause a fire for this user is that it, as its front label indicates, is a “continuous current” fence energizer.
Good information. I think this is the problem when people work with dangerous things they have little knowledge of.

That is why there are electricians, pipefitters, etc..

In the old days, all we had were constant current fence chargers. We used them with single solid wire strands. We knew we had to keep grasses or anything other than insulators from making contact with them.

Pulse chargers and netting type fences are a more recent type. I wouldn't expect one to be compatible with the other. However, I was an electrician. Take any person raising chickens that wants to protect from predation and ask them to define continuous current vs. pulse and you may get some surprising answers.

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