First Aid Kit

My kit that has a few things that I never see mentioned:

Red Rubber catheters for tube feeding in sizes 8fr-22fr.
IV bags of lactated ringers solution (LRS) for giving sub-q fluids or tube feeding.
35cc syringes with normal tip for giving sub-q fluids.
35cc and 60cc syringes with catheter tip for tube feeding.
1cc, 3cc and 12cc syringes.
18 and 22 gauge needles.
Heat lamps and heating pad.
Mineral oil.
OB Lube for egg problems.
Digital kitchen scale for birds under 4kg.
Regular scale for birds over 4kg.
Liquid Corid.
Liquid metronidazole (50mg/ml) - Banned by FDA for use in food animals.
Metronidazole (200mg and 250mg) tablets - Banned by FDA for use in food animals.
Liquid Baytril (100mg/ml) - Banned by FDA for use in food animals.
Tylan 50.
Injectable Ampicillin (100mg/ml).
Cephalexin (250mg) capsules.

That's it for now.
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I agree. My nearest avian vet is 1 1/2 hours away but we do have a vet school that is 1 hour away and they also have an avian vet. The vets in my area will not even touch a chicken and that's a shame. I wonder why vet schools don't include birds and waterfowl as part of their "lesson" so that these vets can know what to do with chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks and pea fowl.

I think that UC Davis does.

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