First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

And guess where my eggs are coming from?

Thanks Denny!

Kim you are going to love this breed.
Denny gives great advice so listen to her!
Denny I will have to get a newer pic of the tom to see what you think. Getting a pic of him displaying is easy. Poor boy does it all day long hoping.........
I'm not sure why I'm thinking about raising turkeys. This is one of a gazillion pictures I've taken in my front yard of the wild turkeys that come and "strut their stuff" for weeks in the spring. (And I don't have to feed them.
) But I still want to.

So can multiple toms get along? Is it similar with roosters that there will be one alpha male and the rest will try to be sneaky? Is there tom fighting? A good ratio of toms to hens? Or does it not matter?

Any good sticky on what to know about raising them?

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