First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Wisher you can really go for eggs that are two weeks old if she has them handy especially since you are picking them up. Not trying to
you or anything
I don't understand. What does that mean? Are you speaking a foreign language? What is the phrase............"too many"?

Oh, MY! I will have to go look that up. It's certainly not a concept familiar to me, either. Surely that has no relevance to any of us! "Too" means "also" and "many" means more than a few.". Oh! I also have more than a few! We're fine, then. No problem here.
I understand the confusion about that phrase, really I do. It is just that here at this farm, we don't eat our birds, just the eggs. Now I keep telling DH that if the bomb was dropped or the zombies were coming, I would eat them, but until then, they are pets. I need to start small with the turkeys until I see what it's all about.

If my friend finds a nest with eggs in it she won't know how old the eggs are and therefore wanted to mark the ones she finds and collect the ones laid afterward. The turkey hens could have been saving eggs since last year!
I just got an email from a friend who asked if I still was interested in turkey eggs.
She just set some and said I could have whatever was laid between now and Saturday if I wanted..........hmmmm.........I got the incubator going, using electricity anyway...have to turn 6-8 turkey eggs (plus chicken eggs after next week) what's a few more, right? ..........certainly NOT "too many"! I told her I'd take them and if she wanted some female poults that hatched from the other BR eggs I'm getting, she would be welcome to them. She thought that was did!
So...Bourbon Reds from two different flocks.....and now, what kind of chicks?!
OOOH! I want this "too many" thing! Where do I sign up?

I have 7 Royal Palms to set (I know I know I already told you that), and for the chickens to hatch along, my DH and I decided that we were going to save all of the "olive drab" looking EE eggs that are laid for that week (and if that isn't very many, then we will add in the pretty light blue ones too)
I wonder if DH would notice if I ordered another round of Australorps and Silkies, and slipped them in there? I don't think I am going to have a very good hatchout from the Easter Hatchalong.

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