First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

My cat was feeling left out so I thought i would put him up as my avatar for a day. I rescued him from a dairy farm. He had a severe infection in his eye and the farmer was going to shoot him he was a Ferrell cat. but you wouldn't know it now. I took him to the vet and with weeks of medication and care I was able to save his eye and he is really attached to me now.

Good for you!! I wish more people would adopt cats in need, because cats need special homes!

Well, it sounds like he has a wonderful life. I am being harrassed by three boys (that know I can be sweet talked) to get an inside dog. All the dogs they have ever had were large outside dogs. I guess I will have to give in, I can't say no when they all three gang up on me. Besides, I am a pushover when it comes to animals. I have a teen pup right now that someone dropped off at the end of the drive. I was grilling burgers for one son's birthday and the pup made a bee-line for the back yard. I HAVE to get rid of him but decided to teach him some basic manners first so someone would want him. The boys call him Skeeter, I just call him Puppy. He knew nothing when he got here, not even what "no" means or to come when called. He now knows those and sit and can walk on a leash. I hope I can find a home for him, he is WAY too interested and excited about my chickens.

ETA - Night all, it's been a long day, I'm turniing in.......
NOw that he's trained . . . why get rid of him?? PS I had 4 big dogs in the house, now it's 2 and much more manageable! THe dogs do what I tell them . . the children need to be told 3 times.

Quote: Yup, he's a cat!


Announcing our first turkey hatchalong contest!!!!!!!!!
Starting this Saturday we will be looking for your chicken yoga pictures!!! You know how they will lay down in those stretched out positions? Well run outside and start snapping pictures!!!!!!!! Entries can be submitted between 14 and 20 April. Post your pictures on the thread and PM them to our contest "Master" Wisher . Each person is allowed three entries and the contest is only open to people who have (or are planning on) setting eggs for this hatch. The prize is a coffe table style chicken book. Wisher will be posting more details on the book soon. Get your cameras ready............and.......................GO take some pictures!!!!! Please wait until Saturday to start posting them though so no one gets missed! Have fun!

If tomorrow is hot and sunny, the girls may do their thing, squish into a pile on a comforter left outside, basking in the sun. I ran for the camera Sunday but they moved, I'll get them on camera yet!
SCG we are waiting and
for the daily candling report!

Sorry it's been one of those days... 46 patients in clinic today scheduled plus I had about 439068 walk ins... I'm having some adult beverage right now. I also have about 43698 PMs and I gotta deal with those, too.

At least I'm off tomorrow.

What say you? I'm off every day? Ha!
That's the nicest thing I've been called all day!

I know I'm a nut and I'm perfectly sane with chicken eggs. Dunno what's come over me.

I think it's "hatch fever" I hear it's very contagious and symptoms include red noses and blurry vision from being pressed into windows for hours on end, an incessant need to use flashlights, and chirping sounds in your ears at all hours of the day and night. I heard once you have it the symptoms fade from time to time but never go away
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With totally unreasonable pressure and assistance from
Dsqard and Superchemicalgirl


Chookschick's First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch's

First Ever

Poultry Yoga Photo Contest!
First Prize
(Only prize)

Contest Starts Saturday!
Post your entries to the thread and PM them to Wisher1000!

Good Luck, all!

Edited because I flubbed it already!​
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