First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

OK, to be 'official' I need a medium in bright yellow please!

THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!
Heh heh heh she said Lurkey skirting

ETA - does this skirt make me look fat?
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I set 8 turkey eggs two days ago, and will set the other six tonight.

I would like a dark green, XL straight-jacket, please. I want to blend into the woods and scare the bejeezus out of the Nasty Neighbor. And if the straight-jackets run a little lardge, that's okay because I need some loose spots in which to tuck found yard eggs...
Now, you all said I was required to set trainer chicken eggs with my turkey eggs, right???
Oh My!

While I do see your point we have rules to stop chaos. We all agreed on the rules in the beginning of the hatch and there were no dissenters at that time. If we "break" the rules to include a few late hatchers, unfortunately, that opens up people being unhappy. Who's then to judge when we stop counting late additions? It's easier to stick by the rules even though there will always be "what ifs." We all I think had a fun hatch and that's what it's really about. We may extend the deadline next year a day or so, but we may not, also.
Well said.

That made me giggle :)

OK, to be 'official' I need a medium in bright yellow please!
Ah, we think alike. At least we can smile with our bright colored snazzy jackets.
Next year you should have the size and color of straight jacket on the sign-up form

Got about 40 tomato seedlings re-potted.
That is my job tomorrow, I finally got my 4" pots today after two weeks of waiting for them to be shipped. I think I may have planted a few too many tomato, pepper, jalapeno, cayenne, seeds this year!
That is my job tomorrow, I finally got my 4" pots today after two weeks of waiting for them to be shipped. I think I may have planted a few too many tomato, pepper, jalapeno, cayenne, seeds this year!

Yeah I had to wait forever to get mine, too.

And the silkie egg I was candling as a comparator to turkey eggs isn't developing. The other one that I was ignoring is totally developing. This sucks... I only had 2 silkie eggs in there.

Announcing our first turkey hatchalong contest!!!!!!!!!
Starting this Saturday we will be looking for your chicken poultry yoga pictures!!! You know how they will lay down in those stretched out positions? Well run outside and start snapping pictures!!!!!!!! Entries can be submitted between 14 and 20 April. Post your pictures on the thread and PM them to our contest "Master" Wisher . Each person is allowed three entries and the contest is only open to people who have (or are planning on) setting eggs for this hatch. The prize is a coffe table style chicken book. Wisher will be posting more details on the book soon. Get your cameras ready............and.......................GO take some pictures!!!!! Please wait until Saturday to start posting them though so no one gets missed! Have fun!

OMG! I know I was AWOL this week, and will be again come Monday for a couple of days, but can I just say you guys are FABULOUS!!?? Contests going already, and the fashionable jackets everyone has are just stunning! I'll be donning my orange faux fur for this fest, I think, though I may change it often. It's kind of chilly here now, and dreary, so I need to perk it up a bit!

I was considering the jacket with garden veggies all over it, but I thought if I fell in it, all you'd find would be a pile of blonde hair and a wedding ring later...perhaps a couple of underwires. It'd be all over in seconds and the chickens would be burbling with laughter. And full.

Okay, I'm off to bathe in Oragel. I got poison ivy and between that and the sleep deprivation, I'm going to be followed around by men in white coats for realz if I don't do something to stop the itching and swearing and nodding off....
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I think part of the problem with reporting the numbers by Wednesday night was that some people are still hatching. I know you have to have a cut off but if they do this again, they may want to consider having the cut off date a week after the hatch day. I think kvmommy had one hatch last night or this morning. Just my opinion.

Quote: I understand what you are saying, this has been a big headache at times I'm sure. My point was simply to follow the same level of push that other aspects of data gathering got. THey did put up lists of names to get people to cough up info initally and this tactic could have been used as well.

I like the suggestion above of allowing a week to report in. Perhaps we can suggest that next year if Mahonri, and crew, run the 5th annual Easter hatch a thon.

Overall, a lot to manage and the organizers did a bang up job.

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