First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Yinepu, thank you for the info! I will say that I baked to BR last year that were under a year old without brining. Tender and juicy, no issues at all. I will probably consider brining the older birds though.
Yeah the first roo I did was hard. After that it was easier. I don't stand there and watch. I will admit to that, but I do the "first step." I don't think DH could do it.
I know my DH won't do it. It falls on me. I'm still trying to work up to it. I've been to the butchers many times over the last 20 years dropping off lambs, and I still have a hard time with the trip. I wish I could be a vegetarian, but I like meat too much to give up meat. THe struggle continues . . .
Hi Everyone!! I'm back! Missed you!

I'm off to the farm now, but if you messaged me, I'll answer you this afternoon.

Have a lovely day!!
Yeah the first roo I did was hard. After that it was easier. I don't stand there and watch. I will admit to that, but I do the "first step." I don't think DH could do it.
I know my DH won't do it. It falls on me. I'm still trying to work up to it. I've been to the butchers many times over the last 20 years dropping off lambs, and I still have a hard time with the trip. I wish I could be a vegetarian, but I like meat too much to give up meat. THe struggle continues . . .

I do all the butchering/processing here as well. My DH doesn't mind doing the chickens but he won't even stick around when I do rabbits. Doesn't mind eating them though. He has made comments here and there about me being a murderer or having issues. But I just don't have a problem with it. It is the big commercial set ups that make me feel all icky inside. I know that my critters whether they be for food or for pets (some time it is a blurry line, my daughter insists on naming all of the animals) have the best possible life I can give them and only one bad moment.

On a lighter note, I was whining to my mama when she came over yesterday about only one of my turkey eggs showing any development and how DH would freak out if I spent money on more, so she told me to order some hatching eggs for "her". Providing that I will keep all the birds at my house and provide her with some of the bounty at harvesting time (which I would have done any way
) So I will order some eggs for my Mama when this hatch is over, pretty sneaky aren't we? Maybe I should order a straight jacket for my mom too, just in case she gets the bug as well.
On a lighter note, I was whining to my mama when she came over yesterday about only one of my turkey eggs showing any development and how DH would freak out if I spent money on more, so she told me to order some hatching eggs for "her". Providing that I will keep all the birds at my house and provide her with some of the bounty at harvesting time (which I would have done any way
) So I will order some eggs for my Mama when this hatch is over, pretty sneaky aren't we? Maybe I should order a straight jacket for my mom too, just in case she gets the bug as well.

I see this as a perfectly "legal" loop hole that I intend on using if the need arises.
Let us know what size she needs, if she would like one, oh and her preferred color!
I do all the butchering/processing here as well. My DH doesn't mind doing the chickens but he won't even stick around when I do rabbits. Doesn't mind eating them though. He has made comments here and there about me being a murderer or having issues. But I just don't have a problem with it.
Just tell him to sleep with one eye open!

Quote: I was thinking the same thing: What color and size for you Mama?

Maybe I should just surprise her!
It is almost Mother's Day after all. Lets go with a Large in Lavender. Oh she is just going to love it! This will be the best Mother's Day gift Ever! (especially since she happens to be a nurse at the ahem.. Hospital)

Quote: Isn't that the truth!
This is for our second contest that will begin on Saturday the 21st. This contest will be the Turkey Caption Picture contest. The picture to be used is as follows:

You can have any of the birds "saying" or "thinking" something like in the following example:
Please remember that this is a family oriented web site, so keep it clean!
Now I copied the picture and pasted it into a power point slide, added the bubbles and the words then saved the slide as a .jpeg to get my example. SCG had another way of doing it. I am hoping she will share that technique with us again since I don't know what it is and it may be easier for some people to do it.
You can start posting your submissions on Saturday and submissions will close on the following Saturday, the 28th. Please post your pictures here on the thread and PM them to me.
The contest is only open to people participating in the hatch and you are only allowed one submission.
On Sunday the 29th, I will post a link to the voting thread.
Jesshan8 has graciously offered up the following prize for the winner (full year):

I will announce the winner once the voting is complete!
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Arielle, they are not hard to butcher. In fact I think doing a turkey is easier than a chicken because I can fit my hand inside to get the "guts" out. I do have to say though, I don't think I would want to do 8 in a day. I did 4 chickens in one afternoon (yeah I am sloooooooooow but I don't butcher often) and I was "done" by the time I finished. I think 8 turkeys would be a bit much for one day.

Yeah we can do about 8 chickens in a day, takes us when we're going really fast about 30 minutes a bird. Most of that time is plucking since we do it by hand. We are in the process of building a plucker on a screwdriver base so hopefully it'll be much faster. We also got a lung scraper since most of the extra time seems to be trying to scrape the lungs out by hand.

This is for our second contest that will begin on Saturday the 21st. This contest will be the Turkey Caption Picture contest. The picture to be used is as follows:

You can have any of the birds "saying" or "thinking" something like in the following example:
Please remember that this is a family oriented web site, so keep it clean!
Now I copied the picture and pasted it into a power point slide, added the bubbles and the words then saved the slide as a .jpeg to get my example. SCG had another way of doing it. I am hoping she will share that technique with us again since I don't know what it is and it may be easier for some people to do it.
You can start posting your submissions on Saturday and submissions will close on the following Saturday, the 28th. Please post your pictures here on the thread and PM them to me.
The contest is only open to people participating in the hatch and you are only allowed one submission.
On Sunday the 29th, I will post a link to the voting thread.
Jesshan8 has graciously offered up the following prize for the winner (full year):

I will announce the winner once the voting is complete!

There are a couple websites you can put your picture onto then caption right there. They are:

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