First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

I didn't get a picture in for the yoga contest. We've had so much rain, it would have looked more like a hog waller that chicken yoga. Anyway, here is my submission for the picture caption contest. I'm not real creative, but it's fun to play with the "bubbles".

Dr Seuss is great, but I lean more towards Shel Silverstein. My son is nearly 32, but they are still on my bookshelf. That's my sense of humor.

And my 11 turkey eggs have been reduced to 4


I can still recite most of "Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout (Who would not take the garbage out)." My "where the sidewalk ends" books were dog-eared from me reading them so much. The Giving Tree is ripped and torn, but I still have it.

I didn't get a picture in for the yoga contest. We've had so much rain, it would have looked more like a hog waller that chicken yoga. Anyway, here is my submission for the picture caption contest. I'm not real creative, but it's fun to play with the "bubbles".

Yay the first submission! Thanks!!
I can still recite most of "Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout (Who would not take the garbage out)." My "where the sidewalk ends" books were dog-eared from me reading them so much. The Giving Tree is ripped and torn, but I still have it.
I also have the live version of him reading SCSS. I also have the live version of him reading The Great Smokeout, definitely NOT a kids poem. He was one perverse guy!

I think one of my favorites is (I forget the title for sure), Twirly Pet (about the eel).

I enjoy the "lost" Dr. Seuss poem (not by him but modeled after his writing.)

Google "Lost Dr. Seuss Poem" to read it. It starts:
"I love my job,
I love the pay,
I love it more and more each day.

I love my boss,
he is the best,
and his boss too,
and all the rest."
I enjoy the "lost" Dr. Seuss poem (not by him but modeled after his writing.)

Google "Lost Dr. Seuss Poem" to read it. It starts:
"I love my job,
I love the pay,
I love it more and more each day.

I love my boss,
he is the best,
and his boss too,
and all the rest."


I read so much Dr Suess to my boys that I could talk in Suess rhyme--with practice I got pretty good.
you mean this one?

That last line brings to mind, "They're coming to take me away, ha the funny farm..."

How appropriate for this hatchalong! Lovely jacket they've brought, these young men in their clean white coats- LOOK! Wrap-around sleeves! My favorite!

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