First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter


I saw down your way there were some Bard Ronks in the Craig's List ads, and also I saw there were a whole bunch or Rhodesian Reds!!

I know it's not nice to laugh...I'm a baaaaad maaaaaaan, as my kids would joke. They love quoting movies. The next thing out of their mouth would be, "Momma did a bad bad. You have to hold the 'bad person' water bottle now." Somehow they decided that if one is overly gleeful in someone else's misfortune, or if one makes fun of another, you have to carry around a water bottle that has BAD PERSON written on it in Sharpee. They think they're awesome because they make family members accountable for Schadenfreude!!

I love my goofy teens!
I get a good laugh at some of the things I see in Craig's list. You can buy Red Cannes bulbs, Daxands and Orplingtons, though I prefer Cannas, Dachshunds and Orpingtons. I'm really kind of embarrassed for those folks.

Zookeeper - so sorry for your baby
Can you turkey people help me out and play...

After a 2 day trip, I have turkeys! My poults, from Porter Turkeys arrived this morning.
I ordered: 8 APA Turkey Poults and 7 Assorted. I received 18 (though his paper says he sent 17). One light brown one didn't make it, so I have 17 now.
*2 Black
*2 Bourbon Red
*2 Bronze
1 Chocolate Palm
1 Harvest Gold
2 Jersey Buff
*2 Royal Palm
1 Self Buff (this mark might be Self Blue instead)
*2 Slate
*2 White Holland
* = APA recognized

I get a good laugh at some of the things I see in Craig's list. You can buy Red Cannes bulbs, Daxands and Orplingtons, though I prefer Cannas, Dachshunds and Orpingtons. I'm really kind of embarrassed for those folks.

Zookeeper - so sorry for your baby

i love the ads for chihuahuas... so many varied spellings!... the one that made me laugh was when a guy's ad that called them "chahawawas or chawawas oh @#!!% they are bug-eyed-rat-dogs"
Can you turkey people help me out and play...

After a 2 day trip, I have turkeys! My poults, from Porter Turkeys arrived this morning.
I ordered: 8 APA Turkey Poults and 7 Assorted. I received 18 (though his paper says he sent 17). One light brown one didn't make it, so I have 17 now.
*2 Black
*2 Bourbon Red
*2 Bronze
1 Chocolate Palm
1 Harvest Gold
2 Jersey Buff
*2 Royal Palm
1 Self Buff (this mark might be Self Blue instead)
*2 Slate
*2 White Holland
* = APA recognized

they didn't color code them for you??? They did with my order last year... ok..

*2 Black (# 3 & 4)
*2 Bronze (#5 & 6 the two chipmunky looking ones in the last pic)
*2 Slate (# 1 & 2 i think)

I've never seen the harvest gold before or the jersey buff..

mine will be from Porter's May 15th hatch
they didn't color code them for you??? They did with my order last year... ok..

*2 Black (# 3 & 4)
*2 Bronze (#5 & 6 the two chipmunky looking ones in the last pic)
*2 Slate (# 1 & 2 i think)

I've never seen the harvest gold before or the jersey buff..

mine will be from Porter's May 15th hatch

No color coding or markings. I have NO IDEA who is who. This is the first time I have had turkeys.

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