First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

I've read that you need to keep poults on wire for the first 6 weeks. Last year I got 7 poults. I ended up with 4, and 2 of them I just barely pulled through. I used a lot of Corid and Tylan.
I didn't know at the time they should be kept on wire floors. The 3 I lost were about 4 weeks old.
Wisher - Sorry about the loss of your poults.

I guess my hatch is over, I have 5 little poults. Here is a photo of them and their tutors. The one we helped, "Scruffy" is the one in the bottom right hand corner. He hasn't had his cleanup bath yet.

I've read that you need to keep poults on wire for the first 6 weeks. Last year I got 7 poults. I ended up with 4, and 2 of them I just barely pulled through. I used a lot of Corid and Tylan.
I didn't know at the time they should be kept on wire floors. The 3 I lost were about 4 weeks old.
if they are brooded by the hen then they are usually ok on the ground.. it's "incubator poults" that should be "kept on wire" for 6 weeks.. mainly because if they are on the ground without a mamma keeping them warm they can chill a lot easier
Well, the RP died hatching. When I opened up the egg, it didn't look right. It was bug eyed. So, of the 11 turkey eggs that I set, I have 1 poult. On the plus side, my turkey laid an egg today that wasn't pecked. She's laying everyother day and the first 2 were pecked. I checked for a bulsseye and it was tgereim hoping for another egg Friday and then they'll both go in the incubator Saturday.
I'm way behind y'all but I know there was someone else set some turkey eggs the same day as me - Arielle was that you? Anyway, I am on day 17 now but thought I'd report with the results of my 15-day candling, which weren't that good. I started with 10 eggs and I'm down to 2
The others were completely clear, and when I broke them open, they looked just like eggs that have been sitting for two weeks - no sign of development. Since they were locally acquired eggs and not shipped, I suspect a lack of fertility, and there's nothing I can do about that.

Hearing from all the people who started with more eggs than me and ended up with just one poult, I feel I'll be lucky if the two that remain make it all the way but
Well, that's it then, I have no more turkeys.  The second poult (the "not RP's) died during the night. 

I still don't know what the problem was but want to find out.  Will they not regulate the heat they need like chicks do?  Is there a chance that they both followed the tutors too much and got chilled?  They seemed fine the day before each died, only maybe a bit slower.  If it was Blackhead, would the head be black?  What else could it have been?  They were on wild game bird starter and were about 4 weeks old.  The tutors are all doing great.  Any advice?

So sorry for your loss. I just hate when something mysterously dies and I can't figure out why.

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