First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

A couple of pictures of the Bourbon Reds I hatched on Cinco de Mayo..........or a day or two early......

I am letting them out now in the evening just before locking up so they get a chance to meet the other juvies that don't go to roost as early as the adult flock does.

Harassing a New Hampshire that is a month older......... the NHs can't figure out why the BRs won't just leave them alone........

Chasing one of the juvenile Icelandic boys....if someone runs from them, they take up the chase......

Looking adorable..........

They are little stinkers! Just lovely though. I might have to try some next year.
Karin, they grow on you.
THey are different than chickens. ANd the BR I find are very friendly and never a problem, other than drumming on my feet! ANd a peck for pushing him away. I have 3 toms that free range like they own the place until the the muscovy drake chases them! All at a fast walk of course.
A couple of pictures of the Bourbon Reds I hatched on Cinco de Mayo..........or a day or two early......

I am letting them out now in the evening just before locking up so they get a chance to meet the other juvies that don't go to roost as early as the adult flock does.

Harassing a New Hampshire that is a month older......... the NHs can't figure out why the BRs won't just leave them alone........

Chasing one of the juvenile Icelandic boys....if someone runs from them, they take up the chase......

Looking adorable..........

Nice photos! Now I think I know what my mystery poults are.
Anyone know if their turkeys are boys or girls yet?

My two bourbon reds and their tutors are finally outside and integrated with the rest of the flock. They are so very gangly and cute.

I had to share this picture because (to me) it looks like the showgirl rooster and the rest of the flock (turkeys included) are about to break out into "Thriller" song and dance.
No idea on gender!! I have sold off most of my poults. High demand for hatching eggs this year as well. A few more eggs in the incubator . . . .

I love the poults! Much like the chicks , but different . . .
I have no idea. The one poult I am raising (the other two died right away) is a Royal Palm. It started getting it's markings a few weeks ago. I'll have to take an updated picture. It's still living with it's showgirl & silkie tutor, along with a group of araucana.

SCG, Cool I'll have Thriller in my head all night! Thanks alot!

I have three. I'm pretty sure it's two toms and one hen. The two are much larger and their heads turn red when they get excited. The smaller one's head looks more bluish and it is not as vocal as the other two. No gobbling or strutting yet. I'll have to get a pic of all three of them together for a comparison.

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