First brown egg!! Too bad she broke it.. Today's egg not broken! 5/13


Has Fainting Chickens
14 Years
Dec 25, 2007
Chaparral, New Mexico
I got home from school early and was walking by the bales of straw that protect Whitey's nest. (You can see them in the post about Blue Rooster). They are stacked to form a protectvie barrier from the elements and some hen sat on the top bale and laid an egg,,,, with her butt hanging off so it dropped to the next bale and broke. But the exciting part is someone else has started to lay!!!!!
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I think the ones gathered around eating the remains thought so. I was wondering if it might be a conspiracy,,,,, keep those eggs away from the humans,, go green my fellow chickens,,, recycle those eggs!!
I'm tired,, can you tell?
When I get my first egg from a bunch of pullets, it is our tradition to make a souffle. Now, it's not like I can whip out a souffle with my eyes closed, because I can't. It's just something very special to do with your first precious eggs from your birds... at least at our farm. Because, in the end, it's all about the food.
Found a brown egg, beautiful one too, in the dog kennel. It has straw in the bottom from when I tried to get JoJo to lay in it before she passed in December. Some enterprising hen has layed an egg in it, pics to come!

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