First coop build, a 'Carolina style'


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2017

After trying from my phone, I switched to my computer. Having never had chickens we are jumping in with both feet. We will be raising chickens at our recreational property we spend the summer at. This coop is more than loosely based on the Carolina coop and is not completed as it is still 25 below zero and wanted to get an early start on construction. It will eventually have a metal roof over the hen house and an additional 10 feet of outdoor run. We have a bit of a predator problem here primarily coyote, fox,bears (my closest neighbor had a grizzly tear open his coop last year), weasels (I saw nearly a dozen weasels last year alone) and the owls and hawks oh my. It is constructed off all construction grade material (which I would not do again - I would buy furniture grade plywood and proper trim instead of 1x3 and 1x4 lumber as it would look nicer and save time in sanding). I used pocket screws for all the 2x4 connections because why not. The roosting bars were a compromise between a few different recommended sizes and now accommodate a 2x4 on edge or on the flat and just lift out. The pop door had to be automatic because the day I have to get up at 6 am to let the chickens out would be "harvest day", so I ordered a chicken guard and rigged it to open an inside guilitine door because thats what the picture in my head of an automatic door was. I have one of the roosting bars converted into a movable wall for the brooder. I used a sheet of home depot vinyl and a cookie sheet running on coreplast runners. The coreplast above and below was originaly supposed to be glides for a plexi window but I realized the coreplast itself could be split and used as a window track. the coop is 6' x 5' and 4' high inside. I will be constructing a chicken nipple pvc water in the run as well as a pvc feeder that both fill from outside the run.
Check out the link; at best you may like the coop, or hopefully see a design idea you might employ:

Seen lots of their videos now thanks. They are the inspiration behind my coop . The hen house door seems unnecessarily complicated which is why I didnt shamelessly copy it also . Same with their cupola.
Thanks. A more complete description of my coop and more photos.

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