
Mar 22, 2020
Nokomis, Florida
So I did it. My self, my hubs helped with prep and making sure to be extra hands etc......but I did it! And this was a hybrid roo from our first Batch of our own babies from our first Cochin and all his four ladies We mail ordered last Sept, anyways, I incubated 22 eggs after our surprise roo died in an accident in Marich 2020 and hatched 16 of them. Four were Roos. They started crowing at 7 weeks!!! WHat the heck?! Well this one was especially loud and we knew we had to do it soon or neighbors would be upset. He was half Golden Cochin and half Blue Orpington. So sweet! Such a sweet sweet male, good with our kids etc........but we had to and it was time. It just was time.

anyhow all went well, but we are wondering why the skin looks like it does in the pic now that we have him in the fridge for finishing? we ice bathed him for an hour and the skin was fine when we set in the ice bath, when we took him out he looked like thst.....skin all hanging off in several places........look like it has to be a stew now I guess instead of roast.....any advice? This was my first time.
all I have to say it thank the Lord above I don’t have to have A first time again. It was hard. Really.
Thanks for advice. Appreciated.


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I don't know what you are seeing that's wrong with the skin. Gravity has just caused the excess from around the neck to sag since the chicken is upright instead of on it's back.
Thank you for your reply. I should have been more specific. The skin was actually torn in several places after we took it Out of the ICE bath after processing it. Not from the skin hanging around the neck in the fridge to finish. I guess you can’t see, that’s my bad. Anyways, my husband is wondering if skin tearing after the ice bath Could be from too hot of a scald? How does one know if they scalded too hot? Thank you!!!! Or why Else does the skin tear AFTER you have processed it,..,,...we just want to do better next time.....newbie here.
I just did my first one today, too. I can just say I'll probably never do it again. The kosher process is just too intensive.

Kosher process? That does sound like a pain. Doesn't a certified shochet have to do the slaughtering and use special kosher knives and tools that are only meant for butchering for the meat to be considered kosher, among other pretty strict and hard to follow rules like the knife being sharpened in a certain way, the plucking having to be done cold (not scalded), etc? If it was a home butchering, how on earth did you manage all that?
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Kosher process? That does sound like a pain. Doesn't a certified shochet have to do the slaughtering and use special kosher knives and tools that are only meant for butchering for the meat to be considered kosher, among other pretty strict and hard to follow rules like the knife being sharpened in a certain way, the plucking having to be done cold (not scalded), etc? If it was a home butchering, how on earth did you manage all that?
This was my thought too
Your scald was too hot/too long. For me, I won't go over 150F if I can help it, I like it right at 145F. Dip and swish and pull out, repeatedly - start trying to pull a wing feather after the third dip and continue just until they'll slide out. Even so, I still sometimes get them a bit over-scalded and will have yellowed top layers of skin kind of slough off a bit, though that doesn't hurt anything.

Good job!

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