First death, bobcat :(

I mostly see single coyotes. When I have seen a pack I think it the female with her young learning to hunt. I think once they have been zapped by the hot wires they teach their young that whatever is on the other side isn't worth getting zapped for.
Wow! Thank goodness your coop and pens are so well fortified!
Sorry for your losses:( ☹ How did you guys trap the coyotes? My husband is planning on making sets for the bobcat, special lures, scent, etc.

Survivors are back to normal, albeit a bit more Skittish than they used to be...
Leg traps with chicken necks but were all empty. The coyotes were all hunted & shot. All the best to you!

Thanks! He was the best rooster ever 🐓💙 I'm still in searching for a good rooster ... so far 3 duds & trying another 🤞

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