First egg and a ?.....(pic)


Ye Olde Henhouse Builder
13 Years
Feb 18, 2008
Eaton County, Michigan
I was thrilled to see the first egg ever in the nest boxes this morning after I let the chickens out of the coop, I have no idea which chicken laid it but I have one that was standing right next to my feet just cackling up a storm like she is saying...'see, I did my job"....she jumped back in the very nest box the egg was in when I first noticed it this morning.

The egg is smaller than I suspected a egg would be, but I wondered if a egg tends to be smaller from newly made "mommas"? I have Isa Browns, ( the breed of the chicken mentioned above) Buff Orpingtons and Ameracaunas.

Pullet eggs are small. However, or hardworking hen Olympia who is a little over 1 year now recently gave us a pullet-sized egg. poor girl. Now she's back to normal- any idea what caused this?

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