First Egg Countdown

Can't - stop -looking!!!!!!!!! I swear my girls have had all the signs for weeks. My roo even had his way with my SS yesterday. I am freaking out in anticipation but I know that nothing is going to happen since I can't stop waiting. However, I am dying over here. No matter how many times I swear I won't stop stalking my girls every move so that they will lay, I can't help it.
I know what you are saying!

Make sure they have free choice calcium. The Rooster shouldn't eat layer feed because the calcium is bad for him, but the hens need calcium. I am giving my breeder grower and free choice calcium.

You should have eggs very soon if they are breeding!

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x2, my poor girls had a couple of oopsies in their run, but they figured it out. Maybe someone needs to invent egg diapers for pullets.

ChickenBamBam, squatting looks more like the chicken is crouching down and hovering over the ground. Like they are getting ready for takeoff or something. They hold their wings out a bit and sometimes stomp their little feet rapidly. I think it's particularily funny when they look up over their shoulder at you as if to say "well? Are we going to wait all day?". Scandelous!
Well, they do have chicken diapers, so why not egg diapers. They could just make the "holding" area bigger!!! Hahaha
The waiting is definately the worst part! I'm now OCD thanks to these girls. One of my four black sex links started laying last Wednesday and has been intermittent and then apparently another one started accidentally? Friday or Saturday while wandering through my flower bed (egg was just laying on the ground, not in a nest, hollowed out area or anything...just out on top of the the 102 degrees). By the time I stumbled across it, it was a little bit cooked, but didn't smell when I cracked it open, so it was eaten and luckily we didn't die, but hard is it??!! lol They've seen their nesting boxes every day and night in their coop for the past three or so use them already! lol
Ron, my guy is going the way of the freezer. He was supposed to be a she and clearly didn't get the message. I do have a bantam roo that will be staying how can I keep him from eating the calcium? I have been giving my girls what the feed store calls layer mash. They have been my only resource as to what to feed my ladies and I am wondering while this is their business if they are entirely, well, let's say up to speed.
Ron, my guy is going the way of the freezer. He was supposed to be a she and clearly didn't get the message. I do have a bantam roo that will be staying how can I keep him from eating the calcium? I have been giving my girls what the feed store calls layer mash. They have been my only resource as to what to feed my ladies and I am wondering while this is their business if they are entirely, well, let's say up to speed.
It ok, a little bit won't kill the Roo. It's not ok for the long run. It's bad for their Kidneys.

Get some calcium--the feed store should have it--and put it into a chick feeder. Put it where the chickens can get to it. They will only eat it if they need it. The Rooster might eat a bit of it, but he will self regulate, like the hens.

As long as you have the Rooster, feed them grower instead of layer along with the free choice calcium.

What kind of Bantam do you have?

Pretty sure he is a RIR. Nothing the feed store told me has held true so far. So I am going off of what everyone here has to say from pictures I posted, lol. He is a lil lover and has had such a rough life and come out like a champ. There is no way I could every cull him. His big buddy is a Plymouth Barred Rock who is huge and gorgeous, his attitude is foul and his voice is "on" all day long. So away he goes. Thank you for the feed advice! I am off to the store ASAP.
Pele - here are some photos I took today of our girls. Small combs & wattles, no?

One of my RIRs.

Two Buffs and a Rhodie eating bread - note the small combs.

A profile shot of one of my Buffs. She is the redder-faced of the two Buffs.

Any idea of age now?

Btw, the coop in your Avatar - I have that one for my four girls, modified slightly to give more interior room. How did you get yours to notice the nesting boxes in there? My girls never go into the coop during the day, so how will they know to go in there for laying?

My almost 19 week old (she will be 19 weeks tomorrow) Barred Rock named Lucy laid her first egg today. A tiny, but cute brown egg. Yesterday she was in the nest box but hopped out when she saw me. Today I saw her in there and when I went back to check on her about 20 mins later, I heard a thud, and there it was! I was so happy that she waited for me to witness it lol..

We have 6 pullets that are supposed to be 18 1/2 weeks old. The lady at the feed store where we bought them told us that they were a week old and that was the beginning of March. We have 3 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Barred Rock and 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes. These are some pictures of them. We can't wait to get our first egg! The kids and I go out everyday and check.

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