First Egg Countdown

My cream legbar hen, Tina laid her first egg today. Unfortunately, it appears she was taken by surprise and was on the roost when it happened. I found a cracked bluee egg on the coop floor this morning. Better luck tomorrow Tina.

Awwww... Sounds like another reason for me to consider putting up a poop hammock/egg safety net.
My big Jersey Giant, Beulah laid her 1st egg today. Poor thing she squawked and fretted all morning long, finally got in the nest, settled down and laid a beautiful egg, way to go Beulah.
My silver laced started laying 7 days ago and one of my two leghorns started laying Thursday. My two new black sexlinks are still being bullied but one of them started laying yesterday.

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Our 22.5 week old Barred Rock, Martha presented us with the most magnificent egg in the world! The other two chicken girls are making egg noises also now.

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Our 22.5 week old Barred Rock, Martha presented us with the most magnificent egg in the world! The other two chicken girls are making egg noises also now.
Good job Martha!

My barnevelder still isn't laying.

My BCM laid 5 eggs, and went Broody.
How old is she? Mine hatched 3/21 and just started laying. How funny on your BCM.
The Barnie is only 25 weeks old today. It was really just a mental note on my part, I'm not playing the waiting game with her. If that BCM weren't so dang cute, I'd be mad at her. The Welsummer has only laid about 2 eggs per week so far though. lol. The EE's and Red stars are making up for the slackers, so it's all good.

2 of my Dominiques and 2 of my Partridge Rocks are molting. Man, that was like a light switch! Suddenly so many feathers everywhere, I thought there were multiple chickens attacked by hawks! One poor little dom looks like there's nothing to her! Makes me wonder if my chickens are too skinny. I have upped the protein and and put vitamin/electrolyte powder in the water 3 days a week to help them through the molt. Will all my year-olds molt this fall, or only some?

Here is Pee Wee, my Barnevelder. This pic is a few weeks old.
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