First Egg Countdown

Ok, joining in on the countdown. I'm going crazy... my girls are TEASING me and I don't like it very much. Of my 7 mixed block girls, all 19+ weeks, 2 have been squatting about a week now, my EE who is normally very skittish comes around me (but still won't let me touch her), combs have matured on all and turned quite red, 4 of them have become quite antsy pacing hurriedly in and out of the coop and run, AND I heard an egg song last night for the first time! I walked outside to the glorious sound with much excitement and they immediately hushed. Couldn't tell who was doing the primary BGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWK, but they were all going nutso out there. Still no eggs.
I would say the RIR is closest (within a month). Watch her for nervous pacing, LOUD sqwaking, and poking around the nest box.
hi all, new here and have a question,2 of our 5 chickens have gone to the big coop in the sky and we want to introduce 2 chicks into the group of 3 mature hens. will the hens hurt/kill the young or will they act more motherly?
we are hoping to trick our broody hen into thinking the chicks are hers let me know please
Ok, joining in on the countdown. I'm going crazy... my girls are TEASING me and I don't like it very much. Of my 7 mixed block girls, all 19+ weeks, 2 have been squatting about a week now, my EE who is normally very skittish comes around me (but still won't let me touch her), combs have matured on all and turned quite red, 4 of them have become quite antsy pacing hurriedly in and out of the coop and run, AND I heard an egg song last night for the first time! I walked outside to the glorious sound with much excitement and they immediately hushed. Couldn't tell who was doing the primary BGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWK, but they were all going nutso out there. Still no eggs.

Sooooooooo close! Not much longer now.

Any thoughts on these girls? Days? Weeks? Very feminine Roosters? Going crazy here waiting!

Weeks still. The one in front looks closer, but not close enough yet.
Hello hAttiesmom...we introduced our little one gradually as happy chooks told first we put them in a some pen like cage up against the coop run and contiued to bring them in to their brooder...after two weeks we cut holes in some chicken wire so only they could come and go when they wantes to be brave with the big this time we also put them in the big coop but put up the chicken wire up to keep the littles safe....we did that for two weeks and now they r doing really well....they still need a safe haven to run to but they can spend the whole night in the big coop without the separation ;)....thanks again happy chooks the intergration went very smoothly!
First egg yesterday from my Buff Orp and today -- a second egg.

Ruby an April 6 BO. Head of the pecking order and a sweet girl.

Still waiting on my BA, Welsummer and EE. We think the next chicken to lay will be the BA, then Welsummer, and last the EE. Time will tell.


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