First Egg Countdown

congrats everyone on their first eggs!!!! I to am impatiently awaiting the arrival of our first egg but I am so excited today because our speckled Sussex Dale squatted for me today!!!! ;-0 it won't be long now right?
Very soon now.

Good news! I now know my RIR is laying. Watched her today go in to coop and I retrieved her egg after she came out. So I got my third egg now, two which she laid. The other egg is still a mystery as to who produced it, but hopefully I'll solve it soon.
Yay! I still love watching them lay their eggs.
My RIR Tree-Trunks finally laid an egg today. My Golden Comets had started 3 weeks ago. Her egg is larger than theirs and is pinkish brown. Is it normal for RIRs? Here is a picture of the egg. I am so proud of my beautiful girl.

Hey everyone. I'm new to owning chickens so I basically have no idea what I am doing ;) I have 3 barred rocks that are 6 months old but no one has layed yet. One has a very red comb but she has not started squatting or getting noisy yet (which from everything I've read is normal laying behavior). Is there something I can do to encourage her to lay? I also have 1 silver laced wyandotte (not sure if its a he or a she) that is 5.5 months old. 2 easter eggers that are 5 months old ( not sure if they are boy or girl either) and one rooster that I about to sell because he has started to crow. I have just changed their food from laying pellets to game bird crumbles to increase the amount of protein in their diet hoping that would help them lay. I live near New Orleans, La and although it has been hot, their coop is under a tree and the temperature has only been around the low 90s. Their nesting boxes are milk crates (I have 3 uncles and a cousin that are milk men) turned on their side with pine shavings. I have put a plastic easter egg inside one of the nesting boxes but they have not gone into the nesting boxes EVER. They sleep ontop of the nesting boxes and during the day they hang out underneath the nesting boxes.
I let them out from about 6pm to 8pm Monday -Friday and a lot more on the weekends schedule permitting.
How would I know if they are eating the eggs? I also give them ground up oyster shells with their food.
Thank you for any help.
wooo hoo! Finally got our first egg! I have 2 EEs, so I'm still waiting on the other to lay. But I'm not sure who laid this one...oh well, at least I got my egg!!
Hey everyone. I'm new to owning chickens so I basically have no idea what I am doing ;) I have 3 barred rocks that are 6 months old but no one has layed yet. One has a very red comb but she has not started squatting or getting noisy yet (which from everything I've read is normal laying behavior). Is there something I can do to encourage her to lay? I also have 1 silver laced wyandotte (not sure if its a he or a she) that is 5.5 months old. 2 easter eggers that are 5 months old ( not sure if they are boy or girl either) and one rooster that I about to sell because he has started to crow. I have just changed their food from laying pellets to game bird crumbles to increase the amount of protein in their diet hoping that would help them lay. I live near New Orleans, La and although it has been hot, their coop is under a tree and the temperature has only been around the low 90s. Their nesting boxes are milk crates (I have 3 uncles and a cousin that are milk men) turned on their side with pine shavings. I have put a plastic easter egg inside one of the nesting boxes but they have not gone into the nesting boxes EVER. They sleep ontop of the nesting boxes and during the day they hang out underneath the nesting boxes.
I let them out from about 6pm to 8pm Monday -Friday and a lot more on the weekends schedule permitting.
How would I know if they are eating the eggs? I also give them ground up oyster shells with their food.
Thank you for any help.

Do they have oyster shells? I dunno if game bird has enough calcium.
Hey everyone. I'm new to owning chickens so I basically have no idea what I am doing ;) I have 3 barred rocks that are 6 months old but no one has layed yet. One has a very red comb but she has not started squatting or getting noisy yet (which from everything I've read is normal laying behavior). Is there something I can do to encourage her to lay? I also have 1 silver laced wyandotte (not sure if its a he or a she) that is 5.5 months old. 2 easter eggers that are 5 months old ( not sure if they are boy or girl either) and one rooster that I about to sell because he has started to crow. I have just changed their food from laying pellets to game bird crumbles to increase the amount of protein in their diet hoping that would help them lay. I live near New Orleans, La and although it has been hot, their coop is under a tree and the temperature has only been around the low 90s. Their nesting boxes are milk crates (I have 3 uncles and a cousin that are milk men) turned on their side with pine shavings. I have put a plastic easter egg inside one of the nesting boxes but they have not gone into the nesting boxes EVER. They sleep ontop of the nesting boxes and during the day they hang out underneath the nesting boxes.
I let them out from about 6pm to 8pm Monday -Friday and a lot more on the weekends schedule permitting.
How would I know if they are eating the eggs? I also give them ground up oyster shells with their food.
Thank you for any help.


Your BR's probably aren't old enough yet. Do you have a picture of them? The others are too young to be laying.

Game bird feed will be fine for them, just make sure you have oyster shell a ails me on the side. They will take it as they need it. Depending in your soil, you may need to provide grit as well. I don't because our soil has plenty of small pebbles.

wooo hoo! Finally got our first egg! I have 2 EEs, so I'm still waiting on the other to lay. But I'm not sure who laid this one...oh well, at least I got my egg!!

Congrats! Pretty color!
My RIR Tree-Trunks finally laid an egg today. My Golden Comets had started 3 weeks ago. Her egg is larger than theirs and is pinkish brown. Is it normal for RIRs? Here is a picture of the egg. I am so proud of my beautiful girl.

Any takers why my RIR egg is pink and not brown. Its right there in the middle of all the brown eggs (from Golden Comets)
My Buffz have been squatting too and no eggs?! I put my Red In the nest box last night and she made the straw into a beautiful round nest. Is this a sign she is close to laying?
Do they have oyster shells? I dunno if game bird has enough calcium.

Yes. I give them Oyster shells. So it sounds like I'm doing everything correctly, I just need to be patient? !?!?! How would I know if they were eating the eggs? Would there be evidence left at the crime scene like little bits of egg or something. Thank you for all of your help really. Thank you

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