First Egg Countdown

We got our first eggs! I hadn't checked for a few days, so I don't know if it's two eggs from one chicken or one egg from two different ones. The one egg has brown speckles while the other is solid green. Does that mean they're from different hens? Here's a pic:
Those are the excact color eggs I hope to get! What breed of chickens do you have??? How old is your chicken? I am still waiting for my first eggs~!
I'm with you!!! 20 weeks old and no eggs either!!! I love your idea about putting eggs in the nest to find so we quite obsessing! The only thing that makes me feel better is that i read in several books that it is better if the chickens are older when they start laying!!! (yea, maybe for the chickens, but what about us! hahahaha!) Here is a picture of my girls.

Your birds are GORGEOUS!!! (They better be if plan to continue freeloading, right?! Must be the "pretty girls drink for free" syndrome cropping up!
I'm going to start actively trying to deteriorate my ladies' self esteem and see if that doesn't snap them out of the rent-free living mindset they seem to be stuck in!) But if it's actually better for them to start laying a little later then that makes me happy... I can go buy another dozen eggs... I guess....
We got our first eggs! I hadn't checked for a few days, so I don't know if it's two eggs from one chicken or one egg from two different ones. The one egg has brown speckles while the other is solid green. Does that mean they're from different hens? Here's a pic:

Hi Rocksmom, if you've collected these eggs on the same day, and they are a different color, then yes they are from different birds. However, if they are from different days, then it could be from the same bird. The internal egg-works usually get off to a weird and rough start, producing random colors and shapes before the kinks get worked out fully.

And Malibu99, yes hens' combs do change right before laying. They will grow in size, and become bright red. It's a sign of full maturity. Usually this happens over the course of a month before they start to lay.
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Haha! Thanks! Yeah... We're not quite sure what happened there....

I love ducks ... they're so cute. Yours looks like it doesn't know it isn't a chicken, but it's nice that they get along so well. My favorite was a photo of a fuzzy yellow duckling named Lloyd. Don't know why, but that name on a precious baby duck just cracked me up.
These are my two closest girls. One is a cinnamon queen, the other a welsummer. They are both a little over 18 weeks old. The combs are there and getting bigger, but they aren't squatting and the egg song is very rare. How long do you think they have to go?

Your wellie has a ways to go. Your Cinnamon Queen should lay within a couple weeks though.
Those are the excact color eggs I hope to get! What breed of chickens do you have??? How old is your chicken? I am still waiting for my first eggs~!

I have EEs and barred rocks, so these are obviously from one of the EEs. Not sure which one though. One of them has bluish (is that a word?) legs like an ameraucana, so hopefully we'll get some blue eggs from her. Blue, green, and brown would be a wonderful mix!

Hi Rocksmom, if you've collected these eggs on the same day, and they are a different color, then yes they are from different birds. However, if they are from different days, then it could be from the same bird. The internal egg-works usually get off to a weird and rough start, producing random colors and shapes before the kinks get worked out fully.

And Malibu99, yes hens' combs do change right before laying. They will grow in size, and become bright red. It's a sign of full maturity. Usually this happens over the course of a month before they start to lay.

I'm thinking they were probably from the same chicken. I did collect them on the same day, but that was after not having checked for a few days. They were right next to each other and the bigger one was a double yolk. Nothing today though. If I get two tomorrow I guess that will prove me wrong.
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