First egg! OMG! (picture) (Update - new egg!)


11 Years
Nov 19, 2008
One of my Silkie bantams has finally layed an egg! I am so excited, that I just can't hide it! *dances*

In the picture, from left to right, normal Silkie egg(ignore the colour, it's old), my egg and a store bought extra large egg(not silkie).


Is there a way I can find out who layed it? o.o


(06/11/09)Update: I just found a new egg today... that's 2 today! Someone else is laying!

...or, one of the chooks has layed another egg in one day xP


Earlier today I found her in there. I sat next to her as she moved around a lot. A little later on she was out of the box but no egg. Hours later I found an egg in there but it can't be hers. Another couple of hours later, just moments ago, I found another egg... with one of her small fathers stuck to it.

Ok, so, only 2 chooks left able to lay eggs who could be laying one of those eggs... who could it be? Talk about good timing! Only a day apart from the other! xD
I have only 3 Silkies old enough to lay eggs, one is buff(the above picture) and the other 2 are white.
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S&N Livestock :

Congrats its always along wait for that first egg LOL

Thank you... and yes, it was a long wait. They are 30 weeks old now... a really long wait

how old is your girl? I have had my first two eggs in the last week and am trying to figure out if it's my cochin/silkie or my barred rock. They are about 20/19 weeks old. The first one was sooo tiny, but looks just like yours. The second, 4 days later, is a little bigger and a little darker.

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