First egg....small????

My Golden Wyndotte finally laid her 1st egg...


What age are your wyandottes? We have two that are 22 weeks. Them and our BO seem to be bringing up the rear.
What age are your wyandottes? We have two that are 22 weeks. Them and our BO seem to be bringing up the rear.

They are 18 weeks and I thought we would not see any eggs for another 6 weeks or so. I have only 2 and the silver one doesn't seem interested in the barred rocks (two of 3) came into laying last week. However not consistent in laying each day. I also have 2 BOs. They are exploring but no laying.
They are 18 weeks and I thought we would not see any eggs for another 6 weeks or so. I have only 2 and the silver one doesn't seem interested in the barred rocks (two of 3) came into laying last week. However not consistent in laying each day. I also have 2 BOs. They are exploring but no laying.

Isn't it funny how even the same breeds are so different. Our New Hampshire red and Black Australorps are laying and one of them is very consistent. Our golden laced wyandottes aren't showing any signs yet and our buff is the same.
Buff Orpington finally went in the nesting box, stayed there for 30 minutes, came out of the coop and started singing. Nothing but a golf ball. I think she was just practicing. Still only 3/7 laying.
Funny seeing all the posts.
Yup, out of six Reds, two are starting to lay. They are 17 weeks. One has been laying for a week now and the eggs are getting a bit larger. One of the others just layed her first today!
They make a lot of noise and seem pretty proud to be contributing.
My Buff Orpington laid her first egg on her 4 month birthday. It was tiny but perfect! Laid another one the next day, and now we have gone 3 days with no eggs. I'm guessing this is kind of normal? My 4 other girls (1 RIR, 1 BR, 1 GLW, and 1 black astralorp) haven't started yet. They are all 18 weeks old today.

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