First Egg!


11 Years
Jun 1, 2013
West Virginia
Buffy Orphington laid the first egg of the flock today! She sang a beautiful egg laying song,and actually did it on a nest in a nesting box. Miss Poopee Roo guarded her the whole time. It was a beautiful egg, brown and lovely, not at all small or misshapen. Very clean too. I am so proud of her! She got a couple of special handfuls of sunflower seeds tonight.
Congratulations on your (and Buffy Orpington's) first egg! May there be many more of them. It is really exciting isn't it. Smart girl to even lay it where she is supposed to.
Congrats!!! My buffs are 20 weeks and they still seem to have a long way to lay!! They have very small combs!! :(
It must be excited to get your first egg!! Did you eat it yet?
My Buffs turned twenty three weeks Sunday, so don't give up hope! I have 4. Three have developed lovely red combs, but one has not and what little comb she has is pale peach. One thing I noticed is that they started giving these long kind of throaty vocalizations. they were also in very bad moods, kinda crotchety and pecking at each other like women on PMS. Only one is laying, I think. She is the biggest one. I will keep you updated.

Here is my buff!! As you can see, she has no comb at all and she is 20 weeks old!! Argh!!
To Kwestly, my Miss Poopee Roo (her name is another story) looks just like that. If I could figure out how to post a picture on here I will. Meanwhile, we have had four eggs from Buffy, who is working her tail off in that nesting box while the others are just standing around saying, "Feed me! Feed me!"
To Kwestly, my Miss Poopee Roo (her name is another story) looks just like that. If I could figure out how to post a picture on here I will. Meanwhile, we have had four eggs from Buffy, who is working her tail off in that nesting box while the others are just standing around saying, "Feed me! Feed me!"

So your buff is not laying either?? Is she 20 weeks?? I'm just jealous to see other people chickens start to lay eggs!! :) but at least some of your chickens are laying, not like mine!! All they do everyday is eat, poop, eat, poop.....
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I got them all at the same time. They turned 24 weeks Sunday. Only one is laying, although one of my smaller ones started playing house today, and got a nest all arranged.

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