First egg.....


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 3, 2008
Weaverville, CA
A little over a week ago one of my RIR laid her first egg. She hasn't laid again until today. The first egg was very small, and the one she laid today is a little larger, but still very small. Is this normal?

Congrats on your first egg

My hens first eggs were very small, but they only took a couple days between 1st and 2nd egg.
Congrats on the first eggs!! I too got my first eggs just over a week ago and they are kind of small. The first little chicken is starting to lay just a little bigger eggs now. The good part is tht she must have kick started the other hens to start laying because yesterday I got 2 eggs and today I got 3 eggs. They are on a roll now I guess.

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