First egg


11 Years
Aug 9, 2008
Reno Nevada
Hi, I'm so proud of my RHR, she turned 20wks old this week and she laid her first little egg this afternoon. She announced it with a loud Bok Bok and I went running to the hen house. She was standing at the door. I told her what a good girl! Do hens always announce when they lay a egg? She was screaming at the top of her lungs!
Congrats on your first egg
Congratulations!! Isn't it fun?

Yup almost every hen celebrates LOUDLY when they lay. Often the other hens will join in too, it's crazy noisy in the mornings when you have a lot of hens all ba goking.

When my little phoenix pullet Roy laid her first egg she started celebrating the day before, by the time she finally laid she had lost her voice entirely, she was making the motions of ba goking but no sound was coming out it was so funny!
Congratulations. Some of mine get noisy and some don't. Some stand on the roost and scream at whoever is in the box they want.
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