First eggs expected around Christmas?


5 Years
Aug 23, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
My chicks will hit 18 - 20 weeks right around Christmas time. I live in a colder climate in the Midwest and there should be snow flying by then. Can I expect my chicken to start laying around then? or will it be delayed by cold until spring?

Thanks for your input!
A lot depends upon the breed, but they are more likely to be impacted by the shortened day length rather than the cold. Some provide lighting to increase the photoperiod to around 14 hours.
I have two Red Sex links and two Rhode Island Reds. I was considered adding a light on a timer to the coop. We are still in the building process for it.

I got my first flock last fall, six 1 1/2yo's and four 4mo's.
The youngsters started laying the last day of December.
I was using supplemental lighting 14 hours a day.

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