first eggs hatchability?


10 Years
Apr 17, 2009
East Texas
Ok I have two questions I have never had to ask before but now I have EGGS! I need to know if they are ok to hatch if they are the first eggs a chicken has laid . My rooster has been busy so they all should have fertile eggs just wanna know how is the quality of hatches from a chickens first few eggs she has ever layed. Also how is the hatchability of an old chicken's egg's I have a hen that is and EE and she is eight she just stared laying this season again and I want to hatch some of her eggs she too has been with the rooster. So any answers for me?
I have never hatched first eggs-just because I got my first one two days ago! But, I would say as long as they're fertile, there should be no problem hatching them!
I accidentally hatched a first egg that was a black copper maran. My cuckoo marans were laying really dark and my BCM were just at the point of lay. I tossed some eggs in the bator and whoops there she was! The most beautiful little black copper maran pullet. She's a month and a half old now and is a perfectly sized little teenager.

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