First eggs with bullseye and no rooster for months


6 Years
Dec 13, 2013

I have three hens that we hatched back in May. We had a rooster for about two months(August- first week in Oct) but had to get rid of it at the beginning of October. The rooster was also hatched with the hens so they were all the same age. A few days before the rooster left I noticed it mating with one of the hens.... Fast forward to today when we discovered eggs! The first eggs! So we cracked one open to cook it up and the yolk had the fertilized bullseye marking. I'm so flabbergasted by it, because it's been over two months since the rooster was here and there aren't any other roosters around. How is this possible?!
I've always heard to separate hens from a roo 3 weeks before putting with a different roo because the rooster's contribution can last for that period of time. With no rooster for months, it would be impossible barring any sneaky feral roos popping up, or some stealth roo that was masquerading as a hen. Maybe the first roo just had very very slow "swimmers."

Would you have a photo of the bullseye? Sometimes just a white spot is interpreted to be a bullseye and is not. Maybe your hen is destined to be in the Guinness book of records.
I did take a picture of it!

It wasnt the best lighting, but you can see it on the bottom left of yolk, right below the shinny white reflection of the ceiling light
. I think it was this hens second egg, because the other blue egg is oddly shaped, it's almost twice as big. I'll crack that one open today and have a look. Does it look like a bullseye to you? It looked exactly like the marking on the eggs I've been getting at a local farm where we buy our eggs.


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