first ever chicks and i need help


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 11, 2013
The Thumb of Michigan
We just had our broody hatch our first clutch of eggs and we noticed something very odd...please tell me what the is and what to do about it...
It kept trying to walk around and it was dragging it. It looked like it was pulling some other things out of the poor thing...I tried to hold it and kept it under a light to calm it down but it wouldn't stop trying to move around. It looked like the sac broke some because there was blood on the bottom of the plastic bin I had it in. I had it under the heat lamp and it just kept getting weaker and weaker. Finally it just stopped fighting and slipped away. I'm major bummed out...I don't know what else I could have done.
There is nothing else you could have done, sometimes nature can be cruel. When the yolk sac is not absorbed before they break free from the shell it usually causes problems. It is attached to the innards of the chick, so it is like having an open bellybutton. I am sorry for your loss, it is always hard when the little ones don't make it. Unfortunately that is part of natural selection. Even after 10 yrs of owning chickens and having hatched eggs many different ways it still makes me sad when I lose them. Enjoy the fuzz butts that made it and handle them lots!

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