First Flock!

:frow Hi and welcome! Australorps are my favorite breed that I’ve never had! Maybe soon! I got started with a couple of rehomed Salmon Faverolles, they too are great generally mellow birds. We’re so happy to have you here!
Oh yes! Faverolles were another breed that was recommended to me! We can only have a max of four at a time (local laws), so we'll have to choose carefully...
I wish ours were more cuddly 😞 they're on the shyer, more flighty side. We hand-raised them, but they still prefer to keep their own company.
Oh well- maybe next flock we'll have some lap-chickens!
Oh no! Australorps need to be started at day one with a lot of handling. They can be a shy breed. I like to lay down an old sheet on the living room floor and get them out of the brooder every day sitting with them. They naturally gravitate to your lap seeking safety, I start this as day olds and it seems to make a huge dent in the shyness factor.
Welcome to BYC! And the wonderful world of chicken math.
No KIDDING. Having a flock has been a long-time dream for me, and my partner knows this, so when I sent my partner out for chicken feed one day, they call me at the store; "Can we have turkeys? No? What about ducks? They still have hatchlings here..." Straight up enabler.
Oh no! Australorps need to be started at day one with a lot of handling. They can be a shy breed. I like to lay down an old sheet on the living room floor and get them out of the brooder every day sitting with them. They naturally gravitate to your lap seeking safety, I start this as day olds and it seems to make a huge dent in the shyness factor.
Yeah, we did the best we could- I was scared to push them too hard, so we did a lot of hand-feeding, talking, and petting. Though I imagine having to traumatize them to clean the pasty butts did us no favors...
Thanks for the tip though, we will definitely be trying this the next time we get chicks!
Yeah, we did the best we could- I was scared to push them too hard, so we did a lot of hand-feeding, talking, and petting. Though I imagine having to traumatize them to clean the pasty butts did us no favors...
Thanks for the tip though, we will definitely be trying this the next time we get chicks!
Yes, with Australorps you sort of need to force the attention on them. :p It really pays off in the end. Either way, Aussies are still great birds to keep! Once they mature up and start squatting and laying, they get less rambunctious, easier to catch too.
Yes, with Australorps you sort of need to force the attention on them. :p It really pays off in the end. Either way, Aussies are still great birds to keep! Once they mature up and start squatting and laying, they get less rambunctious, easier to catch too.
Good to know! (On both counts) Thank you!

Yes! We are very happy with them (even though they haven't laid yet), and their feathers are so gorgeous I've been saving the undamaged ones for crafts. Would definitely consider keeping at least one BA in our subsequent flocks.
Good to know! (On both counts) Thank you!

Yes! We are very happy with them (even though they haven't laid yet), and their feathers are so gorgeous I've been saving the undamaged ones for crafts. Would definitely consider keeping at least one BA in our subsequent flocks.
Love the little video! :lol: Yes Aussies have such a beautiful green sheen to their feathers. They actually have more feathers than any other breed too. Super soft birds!

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