First Hatch Due 3/19!! UPDATE: Want some of these Babies?

Will do!! Thanks for the advice!

where should my temp/humidity be for hatch?
You will get different answers for humidity, but for temp it should be 99.5

I am trying for 65% - 70% humidity right now mine is 45 % I will boost it up at lock down.
So I asked the "mom/owner" that gave me the eggs for incubation what I might expect out of them as far a breeds. She had told me they were "mutts" and knew that some were EE's because, of course, the green eggs. LOL The others are possibly mixes of all SORTS of things... I fee like it's Christmas and I can't wait to open my presents!!

white eggs are: leghorn mom, dad cochin or sussex. Brown Eggs: buff orpington, rhode island reds, black sexlink, delawares, and white rock (all possible).

MY question is... How the HECK am I going to know which chicks are which type?? (one is pretty much a given because it's a tiny little bantum size egg) I've spent lots of time looking at all of the different pictures/information here and elsewhere and I feel like I would be ok identifying the black sexlink because.. well, I THINK they are the only BLACk chicks I might get
I am only "allowed" to keep 2-3.. (thanks hunny) so I really have to be selective. Oh boy.. I guess I'll just post pics and let you guys help me

3 more days until lockdown! I candled tonight while I was turning and all 28 are doing well. Some seem much "fluffier" than others in the eggs. Is it normal to be able to make out feathers now?

I know I know.. lots of questions but I just want everything to go o.k.
Buff orpingtons are yellow, so that is a dead give away, the black sex links will be black , as for the others I am not sure maybe someone else can help you with the coloring. i think white rocks start out as yellow and then slowly turn white......
Hey! I am a science teacher too! I am expecting quail around the 19th and have chicken eggs in there too. I just plan on taking the quail racks off the auto turner and keeping the turner inside the incubator with some way to block the new hatched chicks from the other eggs.
I think I might be losing it a little..
I am dreaming of my eggs hatching. I know this is because I have been spending so much time trying to figure out what my chicks might look like etc but OMG.. last night I dreamed that they hatched and their were kittens inside!! LOL

I might have a serious addition problem here... This is my first hatch (duh.. title of post) but I seriously am already thinking of ways to get fertile eggs to incubate again SOON... I just need people to give chicks too when they hatch! Is there such a thing as a serrogate chicken hatcher??
Stressing out about a stupid temperature issue now. I am due for lockdown in two days. I started with just the little crummy thermometer that came with my HovaBator but shortly after, added a digital thermometer/hygrometer. Now the digital is on the floor and is running a few degrees the plastic one that is sitting on top of the eggs which I know is normal in a still air bator. HERE's the problem.. I inserted a meat thermometer in one of the small holes of the bater to see what kind of accuracy I would get with that right above the eggs. It's reading roughly the same as the digital (99.0-100.0) while the plastic one on top of the eggs is saying 102+. What the heck??

I KNOW temp is important and I want to get it right so which one do I believe??

Thanks for the help!
Yeah I had just set them in there for the picture and literally took out the turner 8 hours later because it wasn't working and I was too paranoid to sleep with it in there, not working.
That was ALSO before I knew about BYC and HOW to set them up... LOL They are all laying down on their side now turning 3x per day

I didn't know much of anything before I actually got the eggs and was like "crap, I should learn what I am supposed to be doing here.. "
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