First Hatch Due 3/19!! UPDATE: Want some of these Babies?

I bought a small package of cheese cloth... It's what was suggested on my incubator instructions
thank you, that is what I thought it was.That is a good idea. I have until Saturday to try to find some of it around here. Not very likely though.

Thanks and I wish you the best of luck on your hatches.
Pip's 2 and 3 now!! All three in brown eggs!
Lots of chirping but can't see anyone's beaks or anything. I hope that the humidity being low until yesterday (lockdown) isn't going to cause issues with shrink wrapping.
Why are they early?!
thank you, that is what I thought it was.That is a good idea. I have until Saturday to try to find some of it around here. Not very likely though.

Thanks and I wish you the best of luck on your hatches.

I got it at WalMart in the craft section
thank you, that is what I thought it was.That is a good idea. I have until Saturday to try to find some of it around here. Not very likely though.

Thanks and I wish you the best of luck on your hatches.

I got it at WalMart in the craft section


I don't know to much about hatching since this is my first time, but I did read on a post on BYC that someone had a chick pip at the wrong end and it came out ok. I would just keep a closer eye on it to make sure though.

Thanks I will look for the cheesecloth tomorow.
thank you, that is what I thought it was.That is a good idea. I have until Saturday to try to find some of it around here. Not very likely though.

Thanks and I wish you the best of luck on your hatches.

I got it at WalMart in the craft section

Hi Jessica

I don't have much experience with hatching since this is my first time using an icubator, but I read on a post on BYC that had a chick pip the wrong end and the chick hatched out fine. Just keep a close eye on it to make sure it is ok.

thanks for the cheesecloth local, I will try to find it tomorrow.

Congratulations on your pips!

Sorry computer froze up and posted twice. Sorry bout that!
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OK... SO sorry for the delayed update but it has been a CRAZY day!

I have 12 chicks now! Three last night by 11 pm then 7 this morning and 9 by noon!

There are 12 out and at least 6-7 more zipping right now! They are kicking eggs around everywhere so it's hard to tell if the others are pipped or not. Some not so good pics since I have an old bator without the fancy top. Just two little fogged up plastic windows!




Here are a few videos too

and my 5 year old daughter filmed our one little Bantum hatching

More as soon as I can!

Jess 3
Congratulations!!! Thanks for sharing the pics. I can't wait until we get moved in June and I can FINALLY get some chickens!

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