First Hatch Due 3/19!! UPDATE: Want some of these Babies?

Ok guys.. I need your opinion... I know you aren't supposed to open the bator but there are lots of chicks out and moving and stuff everywhere and they are stomping on each other etc.. Can I use the steamy bathroom method to get the dry chicks out?? I'm afraid my little bantum is going to get killed in the fray!
That sounds like a perfect idea - steamy bathroom. Overcrowding can also cause death and stress. You've already got a enormous amt. of chickens for a 1st hatch anyway. I say save the ones that are out and about and dry.
Done!! Moved 9 to the brooder in the bathroom and now I have 6 in the bator
. 15 little fuzzies!! More pics soon!!
great job on your first hatch ,im on mine aswell 29 eggs and 14 days till lockdown every body is growing except for one with a losse air sac. i usaully use a brooder but im trying for some blue chics so i want to make sure they make it and dont get trampled by my other hens. i have heard that using the bath and steam is good idea and works well if u only do it once a day and be quick about it. tryin to find out what chics u have ,another story there are so many that look alike and if u have mutts it might be awhile before u can tell whats what, i also am pretty sure bared rocks are black when they are chics, buffs are yellow, rir are lite red colered and riw are white and yellow, sex links will be black or red with diff color markings for male and female and for mutts there all cute when there little. try ur local farmers market or flea market to get rid of what u dont want they tend to sell well as chics when u have mutts cuz there cute it also depends what there crossed with, i know alot of people like pure breeds for laying but some dont care. good luck with the rest of your hatch and congrats on the little fuzzys u have so far:thumbsup
Glad im not the only one dreaming about my chicks! LOL Mine are due just a few days after yours!!
I have 3 eggs that aren't mine and i was wondering the same am i going to know who's chicks are who's!
Sort of at a stand still. The humidity was at 98%and the chicks weren't drying so I pulled out the next batch of 8 and put them in the brooder to dry. One more hatched and 4 more zipping. Still a few pips too. Still hope for a 100% hatch

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