First Hatch - Weak Chick With Umbilical Bulge and Dead Chick! Help!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
Alexander City, AL
We got a few fertile eggs to try our hand at hatching a few, 10 to be precise.

Yesterday (Sunday) was the 21st day, and some chicks started hatching on day 20 (Saturday) Out of 10 eggs, 7 hatched so far. Out of the 3 left, one feels like it never produced a chicken (the weight of it doesn't feel nearly as heavy as the others).

Anyway, point being, the last chick that started hatching had trouble. It pecked its way through, but after almost all day it had made little to no progress. It was weak and not chirping much anymore, and wasn't fighting or pecking its way out. So I helped him out of his shell. I watched several videos on doing so, and it went well. No bleeding or anything. This was late last night. By this morning, he had moved across the incubator, and was all the way out of his shell. But he still seems to be weak, like he jst isn't moving a whole lot. He isn't up and moving around like the others did. I've not gotten a chance to check him out to check and make sure his feet are formed correctly, but I will tonight when I move him to the brooder. Any ideas on what to do? Advice?

And secondly, as of 5am all the other chicks in the brooder were fine when my hubby checked them. At 8:30 when I checked them again, we had lost a chick.
It was laid out on its belly, eyes open, and stiff. So it must've been right after hubby left. But I don't know why? Should I be concerned with anything? We have hay down as their bedding, is that okay?? I just don't want any more to die

UPDATE: I noticed there is a bulge on the umbilical area. What is this?? What should I do for it?
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I have heard shavings is better than hay but I'm not experienced at this really so IDK.. Hope someone else comes along and tells you for sure. It is possible there was something wrong with that chick that was not visible and it would have died at some point anyway so he/she's not suffering.. But I am sorry for your loss :(
Okay, so I finally pulled the chick out of the incubator to check on it. Cause it was just in the same spot. Turns out there was something hanging from it (maybe umbilical cord?) and it was caught on the edge of the wire so it couldn't really move well. It was a dried up string, so I trimmed it off so that the chick could move around. It is chirping more now, and TRYING to move around, but it isn't. I wanted to check its feet and everything, so I picked him up with a paper towel and flipped him over and saw this. Its like bulging from its umbilical area I think? I'm not sure what it is? Help!

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I had one chick born with the same problem. So far it is doing ok and it looks a little bit better but not totally healed up. He is moving around alright and does not appear ill or lethargic so I am hoping something can be done. Watching this thread for ideas!
I had one chick born with the same problem. So far it is doing ok and it looks a little bit better but not totally healed up. He is moving around alright and does not appear ill or lethargic so I am hoping something can be done. Watching this thread for ideas!
I hope your chickie gets better! How old is your chick?

I ended up laying mine on a wet paper towel to make sure he didn't stick to the wire in the incubator.
He is on day 2. Up and moving around but I have him separated with my other 2 problem chicks just for now.
I think thats what I'm going to do. I only have this one that is having problems, but I'm afraid to put him with any others for fear of them pecking him. So I'm going to put him in a seperate small brooder later today.
Well, unfortunately my little guy didn't make it
Last night he started leaking yolk out of his umbilical area. I was reading about one bird that someone had that after this happened, he got better and was able to survive. So we were gonna wait until this morning and see if there was any improvement, but the little guy didn't make it through the night.
I know this is a little late, but i have this happen a lot. mine is because my chicks get super excited with hatching, hatch out with their umbilical cord attached to the shell, and i swear they run full speed and pull their insides out. Some also just have that thin layer of skin over the yolk on their tummy pop or not heal right. Those can be tricky. when my chicks eviscerate themselves it sometimes buldges out. i take a wet qtip (sometimes a blunted point of a cleaned off wax crayon) and very carefully push it in, hold it right there carefully (you have to hold it, as they peep it tries to push back out) and quickly put a small piece of the sticky side of a bandaid over it. I leave it on for a few days so it can heal. Downside is when you pull it off in a few days you take fluff with it and they resent that, but it keeps the spot from getting infected, dried up, leaking out, or covered in baby bird poo and food.

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